Friday, January 8, 2010

I have realised that I spent a large part of teenage years in depression and isolation. Anyone else had this?

This realisation has helped to recover from my addictive patterns and behaviours and to understand why I still have days/ moments which are very very dark and sad.I have realised that I spent a large part of teenage years in depression and isolation. Anyone else had this?
try they also have a younger section. American web sites i find better as they talk more and have been running longer. If you were depressed and isolated as a teenager, chances are its gonna be with you, hanging around for a lot longer. honestly as a depressive I have no real notion of time or space and before you know it life passes you by.

Until now with the use of the internet and drugs i have started to take control and managed my depression realising i am different to other people. I cannot get drunk when i want, i cannot eat chocolate when i want etc i must be disciplined in my approach to most things in life and control pattens, its the only way. treat your depression like rehab, realise the triggers, keep a mood diary and get involved in talking on the internet, look up the possibility of drugs and work with your doctor, doctors hate giving antidepressants to stupid people so talk to him/her and go on from there. good luck.I have realised that I spent a large part of teenage years in depression and isolation. Anyone else had this?
if you ha vent all ready see your doc i know about this through bitter experience which is still ongoing so please get advice from a professional good luck
hi my sister when i was younge has had same thing:)
yes i am experiencing that right now. Just hold on Because after every storm the sun comes out
I'm sure there are many people like you. However, most people don't want to admit it. It takes guts to admit what your admitting. People want to think that there perfect and that it's not really happening to them.
Yeah, i had that during college =(
yes, I did not seek help for 10 more years. I finally did and now its getting better.
im 31 and went through very dark time in highschool. so much sadness and anxiety. i got better but lately ive been in this funk. i dont have any friends , i hate my job and my family is all far away. i only have my boyfirend of 6 months and im starting to get scared that i will lose him to even though my family would never approve of him if they knew who he was. uggghhhh therr will be better days. hang in there.
you, me and half the world was miserable as a teenager. my world grew even darker afterwards since it has builbeen building up bit by bit for many years, and came to a peak, which i hope i have overcome, and i'm trying to build it back up and start from scratch now ;)
I felt like this until I was 22, from being about 11. At the time I just didn't realise, its only now that I look back and think that crying myself to sleep every night and feeling like I couldn't face the world isn't normal. I never got help, because I didn't think I deserved it, and I hated myself too much to ask. I know the reasons for it now, and have worked through them as an adult. Now I'm 27 and happier and more stable than I've ever been, but it took a huge break from my then cycle to get this far. I basically started again somewhere new. I was forced to it after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. but its the best thing I ever did. Now I have self belief and know that I have the strength to do it all again if I had to. F*cking long road to get there though!
A lot of people go throught that. Some worse than others. But you know that and it is your choice to change it. I did. My father tried to kill my mom and I found her and I went through a point in my life where I didn't want to leave her side and then when he tried to talk to me after he got out of jail I went through a big depression and it took me years to get back to who I was. A lot of people go through really hard times and when you are so young you don't know how to deal with it. So honey you are not alone. Just know that and do all that you can to live a full and happy life. I still have days where all I want to do is cry and its hard to understand but I know it has a lot to do with what happend but thats noramal. You can't just complety change it. You can't change the past but you can improve your future! Good luck to you!
Oh yeah.

High school was the worst time of my life. I don't even think about it anymore.

I hated it the entire time.
I did when i was 12 but it stopped when i was 13 and hung out with my friends more
yes for a certain time in my life. Now I do my best to fight it and deal with things the best way I can. Isolation is such a bad thing.
I did to a certain extent but pretty much everyone felt that way in high school. Teenage years are kind of strange and it is best just to get them over with. Many people feel the same way as you did many of them just can't admit it as you just did.
i would be interested to knwo why you think this isolation lead to addictive behaviour?

the reason being i was quite isolated as teenager and prob quite depressed as well and i do have trouble addictive behaviour
I was the same. Hated school. It was like an open prison. Attendance was compulsory, the teachers were like prison guards and the detainees were the most vulgar and sadistic little so n so's one could imagine.

So if you felt depressed during the whole thing who can blame you.

Many of us then got our qualifications at College to make up for 4 wasted years in the detention camp.
Am going through it right now an am 31 i have nearly totally with drawn form life an people i am messed up
Well I'm a manic depressant so I feel like that all the time really and I'm 13.
you serious??


you need oprah.

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