Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How can bpd people deal with the emptiness, abandonment and isolation that they feel? plus the fact?

that forming relationships with people is extremely difficult, and harder to maintain to. then what always happens is rejection from others....reinforcing he feelings of abandonment.

im 30 years old, have bpd, never made any friends in life...never had a partner or spouse...i live alone and endure loneliness everyday.......i have rage problems and anger because of supressed anger, and a extensive bullying and abusive past/

i have severe low self esteem issues, clingyness issues...attachment problems...where i want the good people i encounter to be supportive and around me all the time....carry me in life.

unfortunatly because of these issues people reject me, are put off me.....and i finish up repelling them.

ive never been employed due to my traumatic life and disorder.

i have a mental health record...and now i feel tarnished and alienated by people.

i just want happiness, friends and a fullfilling life like everyone else, which ive missed out on. i want acceptance %26amp; love.How can bpd people deal with the emptiness, abandonment and isolation that they feel? plus the fact?

Don't be so hard on yourself! In life we all have our share of problems you know! You must have the courage to face each day just like the rest of us,at times it's not easy ,but for your own good give it a try.

My father use to tell me ';you cannot kick every stone on your life path ,because you end up with broken shoes'; so you must be strong and pass the obstacles to you have found and continue on the path of life.

You know that you have a disorder and that you have it in control . Let me tell you that no one is perfect out there! at least you have the gut to say it!

If you feel more comfortable moving then do so , but you must work hard on letting the past go, otherwise it will always hunt you ! I wish you good luck and look at life in a different way when you wake up tomorrow!How can bpd people deal with the emptiness, abandonment and isolation that they feel? plus the fact?
If it's anything like my friend then you are hopeless. Report Abuse


Bipolar Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder?

British Pompous Dipshits?

Big Penis Disorder?

BPD could be more than one thing, you know.

Addendum: Thanks for clarifying, now that I know what you are dealing with, I have to agree with Muggy's answer 100%, along with some medication management. One thing you have going for you is you realized that you have a personality disorder. A lot of people don't and try to blame all issues on the other party.

I also think relocation could be a good thing. A new life and a fresh approach may be what you need.
When you make a decision with enough will. Like there is no other option. You have already succeeded in your mind. The rest will follow.

If you keep blaming everything on your circumstances and disorders, you will always fail.

Learn from your past, but focus forward.
Get treatment.

I've worked with people with bpd, one was my supervisor. Let me tell you bpd people can be real hell to be around particularly when they get violent.

Get treatment and stick with it. I know it isn't easy, and I feel for you, but it is not something that is going to be handed to you on a platter.

The fellow with bpd who was my supervisor I would gladly dispose of even today if I thought I could get away with it. It is a condition that impacts groups not just the individual with the chemical imbalance.

If you'll work hard, you can mitigate it to an extent. But don't expect love, happiness and fulfillment to be given to you without a great deal of effort on your own behalf.
Thank you for the fact that you just spelled out what BPD stood for in your case; I could not understand why you didn't have some of the more obvious symptoms of BIPOLAR disorder, which is often abbreviated the same. I also was blown away at the fact that you have never been in a relationship. I know it is hard to find love strong enough to make it through all the things that a traumatized person goes through on a daily basis. There are people out there that will be caring and honest and will let you heal and help when they can. Obviously you must have intimacy issues; I am trying to let down some shields that I put up because of being afraid of hurt. I used to chant this phrase to make myself cold, or, if you will, ';activate'; my defenses: COLD AS ICE BLACK AS NIGHT HEART OF STEEL and it worked so well that I was almost empty until I found a person that refused to let me fade away like that. I also need to stop another thing that I do in my mind: GROW UP GET REAL GET OLD DIE

It always makes me laugh when someone tells me to grow up or to get real because that is exactly what comes onto my head when I hear those words. At the same time, I fear that they are right and I still need a lot of work to understand what the cure for that one is. Sometimes the intelligent, rational side of me is at war with the spiritual, emotional side but you know what? The spiritual part of me is so much stronger but in more danger from the material world. I think you may have similar experiences, and though I don't really have any definate answer, I will give you a bit of advice: try to go on a date with a girl. It doesn't have tobe serious, or permanent, or expensive or even last very long; and it doesn't have to lead to sex (though that sure wouldn't hurt, wink wink) but you ARE going to have to put your neck out on the chopping block, so to speak. Ask a girl out and if she says no, ask another. You could really make someone else's day by being friendly enough to wear your heart on your sleeve

If you were in Vegas my friend Delilah said she would be on you in a second... only thing is, her husband probably wouldn't like it. She reads all your Q*A's and she has French and Paiute indian in her DNA. She's also almost old enough to be your mother so that is not a realistic thing, she just likes you and she's a brazen flirt... but think about it- there must be a lot of girls that would react the same way she has if you just take a chance.
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