Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why wasn't mccain in a ';Cone of silence'; or Isolation on saturday at the religious forum?

Was John McBush listening to the questions ahead, before his turn? Why wasn't mccain in a ';Cone of silence'; or Isolation on saturday at the religious forum?
He was, and the fact that in their first meeting, McCain thoroughly trounced Obama has really got you democrats searching for answers.Why wasn't mccain in a ';Cone of silence'; or Isolation on saturday at the religious forum?
Because he, like the rest of us, knew what the subject matters of the questions were going to be. So did Obama. He didn't have to cheat, or listen to Obama's answers. McCain's opinions were formed long before this forum....not like Obama's....his opinions change before every audience. That's why he is so ';cautious and deliberate'; when responding. It takes a good memory to remember what you are supposed to say to each particular audience. McCain gives the SAME answers everywhere he goes because he actually believes in his convictions. That's something Obama knows nothing about.
Paster Rick says he takes the candidates on faith and believes McCain when he says he wasn't listening to the broadcast on his way to the church. I could buy that if they'd tell us exactly why McCain was a half hour late. Did he have to stop and take a poop along the way? Did his wife call at the last minute to ask him to bring home a loaf of bread? Why was he late for an event where he knew he was suppose to be in a sound proof booth for an hour prior to his speaking?

This is not a made up story. McCain's people and Rick admits he wasn't at the church on time.
He obviously decided to set off late to the forum, knowing that Obama had a tv. shedule to keep, and the pastor was willing to lie about his whereabouts.

It is clear that the Republicans are willing to cheat in the debates, and the election,. No change there then.

What is more worrying is that the democrats as usual say nothing, one can only assume they are intent on being equally as corrupt given the chance.
Well, of course, John McCain must have had prior knowledge of the questions. He answered so well and so honestly. Obama, however, was a joke. As usual, without a teleprompter he could not speak clearly. So, in order to make him look better you Obamabots come up with an excuse for his less than stellar performance.
McCain looked smart, confident, at ease, with no hesitation, very Presidential

Obama looked uncomfortable, stuttered, unsure, child like.

McCain must have cheated. How could Obama the chosen one, the Savior of the planet, looked so dumb compared to a idiot Republican. McCain must have cheated, There is just no other way. Just like Bush Cheated. Its all Bush's fault. And Carl Rove don't forget Carl Rove.
Clearly he has no respect for the rules of engagement.... and he would carry that over to the White House. If he can't be trusted not to cheat in a situation like that... I think it's pretty likely that he would be just as quick to cheat the American people if he were ever elected to the Oval Office.

And yes, McCain knew what the questions would be before he ever got on that stage.
According to the New York Times and Washington Post, that rumor was started by the Obama campaign. Since Neither of those publications can be accused of leaning to to the right, I'm more inclined to believe than than I am to believe you.

Here's a little tip: you don't have to cheat to be better prepared than your opponent, and you're not doing Obama any favors.
Hey - blame the people who organized it, not McCain or Obama. The candidates were just going with the flow.

If the organizers didn't want to have a ';cone of silence'; or ';isolation booth'; then that's their decision.
More importantly, why didn't McCain correct the statement that he was in ';the cone of silence';

Even the ';coin toss'; was a fix
I wouldn't worry about it. Obama should have been stern and told the fundies that their book isn't the objective set of morals they believe it is.
Once again, Miss know it all, Mr. McCain is NOT Mr. Bush and he was not privy to the questions being asked.
The whole thing, from start to finish, was so dishonest. It's a long know fact that the only way Republicans can win is by cheating. So cheat, they did.
Wrong. That is a story that the left made up out of thin air.

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