Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do Atheists constantly suffer from accute self pity and isolation?

How common is this?Do Atheists constantly suffer from accute self pity and isolation?
I have no clue I think so. Atheist's must have miserable lives i supposeDo Atheists constantly suffer from accute self pity and isolation?
Why would you draw a connection between atheism and self pity and isolation, at least in most of the Western world? In many cultures, religion is sociogenic, a significant way of defining ';who i am,'; individually and as part of the culture. In any part of the world where a particular religion predominates and it is sociogenic for its participants, any deviation from the norm will probably result in some kind of isolation for the social deviant, be that person atheist or of some other belief.

But social isolation can result from any kind of deviation from some strong sociogenic attribute. For example, in a vegetarian community, a carnivore would probably experience some form of social isolation.

And in a community of atheists, it would probably be the believer, any believer, who would feel isolated.

Birds of a feather stick together. The odd-man-out will probably always feel alone in some way. It's just human nature for people to coalesce around what is significant for them.
Hi .

Actually you are right.Their answers prove it over and over.

They act like an adolescents and double talk with their answers.

I have had some that can carry a good conversation.

Studies have been conducted that show Atheists can be demoralizing,Angry,and selfish.

One of these studies have been produced at Yale University in Connecticut.

What is funny is that they seem to think no one can go back for the last 6 months and make percentage study of all their previous answers and statements.

Guess what?............92 % respond as if they suffer from accute self pity and isolation.
Not the ones I know, and I certainly don't. Self pity never helped anyone accomplish anything.

And I may be bitter and antisocial, but I'm certainly not isolated.
About as common as any other person.

I can't speak for all atheists, but I lack self-pity because I'm confident and have acquired self-esteem. As well, I spend a lot of time with family and friends.
Only if you will admit that religious peoples suffer from mental delusions for the explict purpose of gaining ATTENTION from an otherwise unproductive, unimportant, unrecognized existence..........
I think more of them suffer from AITS (Acute Internet Troll Syndrome.)
Not just the Atheists. I see this a lot. Self pity is rather unattractive.

I hate when people always play the victim. What drama.
Uncommon, apparently you are projecting.

You know as well as I that it is the Christian who condemns his humanity not the Atheist.
your probably one of those religious people that try to convert us by giving us such questions and making us believe, well you can go...**************************
It's really common where I live. I live in Oklahoma and if you're an atheist, you might as well be the most evil kind of person there is.
no, we are seen as the elite minority instead of the common riffraff hoy poly majority.

Their pity is for the ignorance and hate of the ignorant fundies.
No. Only sometimes. Usually long enough to let a little logic and/or reality set in :-)
The intensity you are attacking us speaks of your inability to handle anger issues well

Now go, and take a nappy
It appears that christians are the ones with the persecution complex.
Not common for me at all. Or most atheists I know. Can't speak for everybody of course.
I certainly wouldn't describe it as 'suffering'?

I must say, your questions are not very Christ-like. I assumed you were a Christian. Was I wrong?
Haha, someone really must have gotten under your skin. That's hilarious.
You need to get off the computer and go play with your friends outside.

But oh wait.
Because we have to put up with a world full of idiots like you.
There is NO ONE better at playing the victim than the religious. No one.
No. Get a life, troll...
seriously, did the priest tell you this? no they don't.
B*tches don't know 'bout my trollin'
idiotic trolls. go rot in the dirt where you belong

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